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Hone Your Cooking Skills At Williams-Sonoma

These classes are sure to be loads of fun for both newlyweds and soon-to-be's. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn about cuisines from around the world, courtesy of Williams-Sonoma's talented chefs.

400 Commons Way
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
(908) 707-9222

7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

$55 per class (unless noted otherwise),
which includes a 10% discount on in-store purchases

Fall Celebration - Monday, October 12
Whether you're celebrating Halloween or simply welcoming the autumn season, this sophisticated menu fits the bill perfectly. These recipes from our new Comfort Food cookbook are sure to be crowd-pleasers. On the menu: Poached Pear Salad with Arugula, Prosciutto, and Parmesan, Garlic Cheese Bread, Steak and Mushroom Stroganoff and Real Butterscotch Pudding: Presented by: Chef Michael A. J. Greene

Cooking for Friends: Casual Fall Dinner - Saturday, October 24
From our Cooking for Friends cookbook, this dinner menu is just right for a casual evening with friends and family. On the menu: Arugula, Oakleaf, and Basil Salad, Grilled Steaks with Tomato Jam, Slow-Cooked Tuscan White Beans and Mixed Berries with Sabayon: Presented by: Chef Michael A.J. Greene

Holiday Hors d'Oeuvres - Tuesday, October 27
From our new cookbook, The Weeknight Cook, these savory hors d'oeuvres are great for holiday parties, both elegant and casual. The recipes are easy to prepare and are guaranteed to satisfy a crowd. On the menu: Cheesy Chive Popovers, Pear Compote with Cheese, Bacon-Wrapped Dates, Mini Potato Pancakes with Salmon and Spice-Roasted Nuts: Presented by: Chef Fran Dalton

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by Rashana Anderson
Founder & Managing Director, THE BRIDAL PARTY


Melesha said…
They did a cooking class here in memphis and it was awesome.

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